Join Digi Juridica

Our aim is to introduce law students into an influential and trustworthy community that is centered around tech, IP, and Privacy Law.

This means we rely on external support (a small membership fee) for funding.

As a member of Digi Juridica, you can join all our events, including the webinars we host, and the insanely fun study trip.

Before Signing Up

If you are studying your Master at the VU Amsterdam in International Technology Law, Internet IE & ICT, or International Business Law, you can become a member for:

  • 1 year = 10 euros

Become a member:


That's it: Welcome! You are now a Digi Juridican!

You will receive a welcome email with all the information you need within one week. You will be added to our newsletter, and you will be invited to our community's Whatsapp Group chat. Introduce yourself if you like! We are eager to meet you.

The value of being a member?

  • Find a welcoming tech community of law students.

  • Join the study trip.

  • Elevate your professional skills.

When you are a member, you are officially part of the community! You will be invited to our exclusive social and professional events.